So I'm sure you are all wondering what the hell happened, right? Basically it goes like this. . .
I dated Cory Madsen a couple of months after he moved to New York City.
He asked me to be his girlfriend & I said yes. He jumped head first into the relationship, telling me he loved me after only a couple of weeks, if not days. Told his mother he could see himself marrying me, et cetera. Did I think that was odd? Yes. Was I also flattered in a way? Yes. Little did I know, he weaved so many lies that he started to forget them, when I started noticing tears in the fabric & questioning them, he got angry & upset with me, making me feel as if I was just being paranoid or jealous. Early in our relationship Cory would receive messages & texts & IM's from a girl he told me was a friend who was very dependent on him from back home. The entire situation made me uncomfortable & I made it clear that I didn't want him talking to her because I felt like she was overstepping her boundaries on our relationship. I assumed Cory wanted the same thing because every time it happened he acted annoyed with the messages, etc. Then in December his friends came to visit him. I asked one of them what the deal was with this girl & she informed me that he had started dating her WHEN SHE WAS 15/16. He will be 26 this year. That is a 9 year age difference. So later that night I confronted him about it & he absolutely denied the fact that they dated and told me she was just a very close friend due to a shared issue & he looked at her as a little sister. He said on numerous occasions that he wasn't a pedophile & if he was to date someone underage, it definitely wouldn't be her. So I tried to believe him, but I still felt uncomfortable with the amount of texts & phone calls. Then all of a sudden he decides to move back to L.A. & says he wants me to come, but only if I want to. I start looking into schools to see if any interest me, found one I liked, & started the process of enrollment. All with the promise (by him) that we would move in together. Then things began to get weird between us. He barely talked to me, telling me my jealously was really weighing on our relationship & that I needed to be happy on my own before we could be together. Which I thought was a reasonable request, but little did I know it was only a request to get the guilt of hundreds of lies off of his back. So now I am left with unanswered questions & a feeling of disgust for someone I thought I loved, when in reality I loved a gigantic lie he manufactured.
I raise my glass to Cory Madsen, King of the Con-Artists!